Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Habitual Offenders and the Law Essay Example

Habitual Offenders and the Law Paper There are various types of crimes that can cause a person to be labeled habitual offenders. Drug possession, robbery, rape, kidnapping, and murder are just a few of the crimes that can warrant a misdemeanor or felony charge. The judicial system has proclaimed zero tolerance for these types of criminals; therefore, enhancement statutes were placed in effect. Examples of such statutes would be the Habitual Felons Act, RICO, the Career Criminal Act, mandatory minimum sentences for trafficking in narcotics, perpetuating crimes in a violent manner, three-strikes laws, hate-crime laws, and 10-20-Life for using a gun during the commission of a crime. † (Terrrito, pg 16, Chapter 10). The reasoning behind the three-strike laws is rational when attempting to decrease criminal activity by persistent offenders, but when any one of the three offenses is a misdemeanor, the punishment should fit the crime. There has been much debate in regards to the question of whether the habitual offender law is targeting the right people. Because of â€Å"the war on drugs† slogan, new laws have gone into effect to attempt to deter the possession and manufacturing of any type of drug. Many people complain that the laws need to become stricter because the consequences of violating the rulings do not seem to lessen the amount of drugs on the street. There are thousands of prisoners arrested yearly and many are subjected to the three-strike law, while murders, rapists, and child molesters are set free after serving a light sentence or receiving only a ‘slap on the wrist’. Many people would agree that the wrong types of criminals are not being fully held responsible for their actions. The type and severity of the crime, should be the deciding factor on the length of prison terms when a person commits misdemeanors or felonies, because sometimes the statute is too lenient or too harsh. A person is guilty of sexual abuse in the second degree when he or she is at least eighteen (18) years old but less than twenty-one (21) years old and subjects another person who is less than sixteen (16) years old to sexual contact. Sexual abuse in the second degree is a Class A misdemeanor. † (KRS Chapter 510. 00, July 22, 2011). In Kentucky the penalty for a Class A misdemeanor is up to 12 months in a correctional facility and/or a $500 fine. Another statute states that three or four misdemeanors in regards to sexual abuse of a minor may constitute a felony. Unless a higher penalty is otherwise prescribed and notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, a person who commits a third or subsequent misdemeanor offense under this chapter, except for violations of KRS 510. 150, may be convicted of a Class D felony. If the Commonwealth desires to utilize the provisions of this section, the Commonwealth shall indict the defendant and the case shall be tried in the Circuit Court as a felony case. The jury, or judge if the trial is without a jury, may decline to assess a felony penalty in a case under this section and may convict the defendant of a misdemeanor. (KRS Chapter 510. 00, July 14, 2000). Apparently, the people involved in enacting this statute have never been sexually abused or seen the effects of abuse by someone close to them. The lasting effects can be devastating. On the other hand, my brother, Chad, was caught selling less than 1gm of methamphetamines and he was convicted of a Class C felony. A Class C felony is 5-10 years in a correctional facility and his sentence was eight years. Because this was his first offense, he received shock probation after one year. We will write a custom essay sample on Habitual Offenders and the Law specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Habitual Offenders and the Law specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Habitual Offenders and the Law specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The terms of his shock probation was six months in an out-of-state, inpatient rehabilitation facility and parole for five years and if he violates his parole, he will be sent back to prison but the one year he has previously served will not count toward the original eight years. I did not understand the complete ramifications of the three-strike law until this course, because I live in Kentucky and this law is not in effect. In Kentucky, a persistent offender is given longer prison terms with each new charge. For instance, if Chad were to receive a misdemeanor in 10 years, he would be punished for that specific crime and be labeled a persistent offender. If he were to receive another misdemeanor charge a few years later, his criminal history would constitute a stiffer punishment but he would not be facing life in prison. Incarcerating a habitual offender just because he or she has committed a third crime is accomplishing increased taxes to pay for their upkeep, increased overcrowded facilities, and sometimes injustice. The standards that govern whether defendants are prosecuted as habitual offenders should be heinous crimes so horrible that you cringe. In the two examples I gave you, I cringe because they are both are personal issues with me in one way or another. In the earlier example of Kentucky statutes in reference to sexual abuse, note that the $500 fine could be the punishment instead of prison. One reason of some inconsistencies in penalties could be related to the dates of statutes. Some are revised while others remain the same. I believe the three-strike law should either be abolished or the statutes surrounding enforcing it should be revised. Until our judicial system reviews the validity of all statutes, the phrase habitual offenders should be a label, not constitute a life sentence. By not updating all the statutes so that they can readily work together, the judicial system is committing a heinous crime, therefore becoming persistent offenders themselves. References KRS Chapter 510. 0, July 14, 2000, Treatment of third or subsequent misdemeanor under KRS Chapter 510 as Class D felony, Kentucky legislature, Kentucky Legislative Research Commission, Frankfort, Kentucky KRS Chapter 510. 00, July 22, 2011, Sexual abuse in the second degree, Kentucky revised statute 510. 210, Kentucky legislature, Kentucky Legislative Research Commission, Frankfort, Kentucky Terrrito, pg 16, Chapter 10, Sentencing appeals and the death penalty, Crime and justice in america: a hum an perspective, Introduction to criminal justice, www. ctuonline. edu

Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 Great Ways to Solve Problems and Spark Your Creativity

5 Great Ways to Solve Problems and Spark Your Creativity A few weeks ago I was working on the paperback version of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile, and I was feeling stuck. Here was my problem: The e-book version contains hundreds of hyperlinks leading to various references, web pages and articles- and a mere click of a mouse makes it easy to go to the linked material. The names of pages are nice and neat, with hyperlinks hidden to the viewer. I had not considered how I would handle this situation in a hard copy of the book! How was I to present all these pages and hyperlinks in print? My book designer had simply made titles of articles blue. But without a link, these would be useless to the reader. The next option, inserting long URLs into the body of the text, would be distracting and messy. I asked my assistant to put her head together with the book designer and figure out something. And I went for a swim. Light Bulb Moment†¦ In the shower after my swim, a light bulb went off: Why not use footnotes for all the URLs in the book? We could then create an appendix with all the links. That way there would not be distracting links in the body of the book, and any readers industrious enough could go to the appendix and explore the â€Å"extras†! I called my assistant as soon as I was dry enough to convey my idea. Problem solved! Perhaps I would have thought of this solution without going for my swim. But it’s not an infrequent occurrence for me to have creative sparks ignite when doing â€Å"mindless† laps in the pool, or shortly thereafter. I’ve come up with some great â€Å"roasts† for family occasions while losing track of what lap I’m on! It’s Not a Random Occurrence! Last summer, I was at a week-long leadership training and a similar thing happened. I knew there was a talent show at the end of the week but I had no idea what, if anything, I would contribute to it. In the middle of the week, I left campus for a day to take care of some business commitments. On the drive home, my creative juices started flowing and a skit to the music of â€Å"Summer Lovin’† from Grease was born. That skit turned into the most talked-about event of the training. These two incidents point to some ideas about what sparks creativity. Not all of us have teams of people to speak and collaborate with to generate new ideas. So we’re left to structure our lives in a way that creativity can arise. There are some simple ways to minimize the chance of getting stuck in a rut. 5 Ways to Solve Problems and Spark Creativity Exercise. Do something to get into your body and out of your default brain! For me, swimming and yoga provide welcome time to let my mind drift and do its magic. For some, it’s walking or running. Find the exercise that works best for you! Travel. If you can, take your business on the road for a week (or even a year!). A change of scenery can have a surprising impact on your thought process. I personally notice my energy waning if I stay in one place for too long, and I am fortunate to be able to carry my business with me. Meditate. Quieting the mind for even 10 minutes a day can produce new thoughts you never expected at random times of the day. This worked for me during the brief time I had a daily meditation practice! Read. I’ll tell you a secret: Many of my blog ideas come from reading Success Magazine – including this one! What’s your focus? Where would you like a spark of creativity? Find something related to that topic of area to read! Do something different. Something as simple as brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand can interrupt your brain waves and give you new ideas! So can speaking in a different language or driving a new route to work! Do you have other tried and true ways to unstick yourself when you’re stuck, to generate new ideas and get moving on an idea or project? Please share them below- or share how you have used the 5 methods above to create results in your life!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Compare Montaignes work de 'institution des enfants in Essais livre 1 Essay

Compare Montaignes work de 'institution des enfants in Essais livre 1 and Jean Jacque Rousseau novel Emile ou de l'education theories of education, with particular reference to authority - Essay Example Indeed, in the introduction to Montaigne’s On the Education of Children, William Harris includes a chart that illustrates striking similarities in both the philosophical and literary stylings of the theorists. Both writers seek to shift the traditional assumptions of the education process away from merely treating the student as an open receptacle to whose head knowledge of facts and figures is dutifully filled. Instead, they embrace a progressive concept of education that would later be echoed in the transcendental theories of Emerson and Thoreau, and the self-exploratory theories of Maria Montessori. Rousseau and Montaigne contend that the focus of education must be placed not on the rote memorization of knowledge, but on the acknowledgement that true wisdom is gained in the understanding of the processes of learning. Even as the underlining message of both writers concerning the need of shifting the emphasis of education away from socially constructed knowledge, towards the grasping of the intuitive processes of its attainment is the same, they differ in the extremity of their characterizations. While Montaigne acknowledges the necessity of questioning particular elements of society, he ultimately embraces it for its essential role in personal development. Conversely, Rousseau understands socially constructed knowledge to be inherently unsound and encourages the systematic and perhaps revolutionary questioning of its foundational concepts. In The Social Contract, another influential work, he even goes as far as chastising society because "the social pact gives the body politic absolute power over all its members (Rousseau 70)†. Whereas for Montaige, Harrison writes, â€Å"Humanity is too complex to reach the millennium through any single revolution, whether it be in religion, politics, or education. Montaigne saw this vaguely, yet more clearly than did

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Study of the Predictors of Persistence in Stalking Situations Essay

A Study of the Predictors of Persistence in Stalking Situations - Essay Example The literature review builds up the idea that will lead to searching for the importance of finding which stalkers are more likely to provide important information regarding how clinicians might deal with perpetrators and victims. In other words, the literature review establishes the idea that will link stalking to the creation or formulation of violence in the long run. Aside from the idea of understanding its psychological implications and other relevant-linked ideas, stalking has been viewed a very important concept that calls for more meaningful understanding because of its associated perceived violence. In general, the literature review is therefore establishing the point that will allow the readers to understand the prevailing ideas or research studies that might help them link stalking to the actual creation of violence. In other words, it is much convenient to say that the literature review tries to collect the relevant point of views that might pave the way for showcasing the actual problem statement of the study. The research study’s problem statement is about finding an estimate that will lead to knowing which stalkers are likely to persist longest as this is important to clinicians dealing with both perpetrators and victims. ... Stalking as already stated is associated with violence. This means that understanding things concerning stalking is just a way of being acquainted more to things about its perceived violence. Not everyone who stalks might be harmful or will result to emancipate violence at some point. That is why it is necessary to understand the characteristics of stalkers and their behavior that might be associated with increased persistence. Increased persistence might be viewed to have significant association with violence. For this reason, there is a point of conducting this research study as far as knowing what eventually will lead to violence in the context of stalking is concerned. Violence has been a long-standing problem in the society and a great area of concern within the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is always trying to improve or find some effective means in order to deal this matter effectively. Stalking together with the characteristics of the stalkers is anothe r important issue for consideration, as far as enhancing the justice system remains as a certain goal that requires more effective scientific approach at some certain point. Qualitative data were generated from the target respondents who were patients with stalking offense. These data were acquired based on the authors’ evaluation and therefore will eventually be categorized under the level of subjective judgment. The data were collected from 180 out of the 200 stalkers in the sample. The referral information and police report as collateral information was gathered from the records of the target respondents. Psychological tests and evaluations were further initiated among the respondents in order to record probable manifestations of mental disorder, and other relevant

Sunday, November 17, 2019

United States Deficit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

United States Deficit - Essay Example of the Federal Reserve, 6 % of State and Local Government, domestic and private investors 32% and the major portion of was the international investor who offered 46 %. These are the four most important places where U.S was able to borrow money from. The international investors like BP, DaimlerChrysler, ING group which are located in different countries like U.K and Netherlands provided the U.S with a major portion of the credit. Once this money is borrowed, both parties have to come into an agreement on how the interest will be paid. Once the U.S has borrowed money, they will pay the interest rates depending on each countries agreement with the U.S government. They can also exchange privileges. This means that that the U.S government can give an investor the opportunity to be able to switch from one mutual fund to another with the family without paying sales charges. Credit rating is a method used to evaluate the credit worthiness if a debtor and this can be a business or a government. This is done by a credit rating agency like Moody’s, Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor. . The credit rating of a government like U.S is a financial indicator to potential investors of securities like bonds. The Credit rating agency Standard and Poor (S&P) downgraded its credit rating of the U.S federal government from AAA (outstanding) to AA+( excellent) by the third quarter of the year 2011. This seems not to be good news to the U.S as international implication of public deficit will lead to higher current accounts deficit, it will also increase the risk of capital flight this affecting the image of the country. This will make international investors to shy away from investing in this country. The current account is a component of the balance of payment while the other being capital account. The current account balance measures the nature of a country’s foreign trade. The capital account determines how international capital flows and investment are recorded in the capital

Friday, November 15, 2019

Perception of Crime and the Criminal Justice System

Perception of Crime and the Criminal Justice System Question 1 Fear of crime is defined by Ferraro (Ferraro, 1995: 8) as â€Å" an emotional response of dread or anxiety to crime or symbols that a person associates with crime† (Lab, 2014: 11). In other words fear creates negative emotions with a victim that impacts negatively on and traumatize the individual. For instance very often a woman is scared to open the door of her house after she or an acquaintance have been exposed to an armed house robbery in the recent past. Deterrence is defined in the SBS Study guide (CPM100: 5) as â€Å" Means preventing crime in general because of fear of being caught by police, prosecuted through the courts and punished. It also means eliminating the physical opportunities to commit crime by the presence of a police official, or by using locks or alarms and other (physical) measures according to Van Heerden (Van Heerden,1976:154-155). The Merriam-Webster On-line dictionary defines deterrence as: â€Å" the inhibition of criminal behavior by fear especially of punishment† ( date of access 19 March 2015) In other words you will refrain from drinking more drinks at a pub than allowed by the legal limit according to the law. If you know that if you dink more than two beers will result in the blood alcohol level in your blood exceeds the legal limit, you will stick to it or arrange for designated driver. The factor that will encourage you is that the police have roadblocks in your area where they test your blood alcohol levels. The penalty for drinking and driving very severe and you may also loose your driver’s license for a period. The idea of those consequences deters you from drinking and driving. a) The first one is referred to as Specific deterrence. It focuses specifically on the individual. The aim of this deterrence is to prevent repeat offences by the individual by discouraging a repetition and by creating an understanding that there will be consequences. b) Secondly there is General or indirect deterrence. This deterrence focuses on making examples of perpetrators. It is not specifically focuses on influencing the public view and perception by instilling harsh and decisive punishment for crimes committed. It focuses on possible future offenders and prevents crimes before they can be committed. (Schmalleger, 2003, p. 406), ( , Date of accessed: 19 March 2015). In other words specific deterrence focuses on the perpetrator that was being found guilty in a court of law and receives his sentencing. The severity of the punishment will deter him from committing crime in future. General or indirect deterrence focuses more on the general public by making an example of this specific offender and instilling a suitable sentence in order to discourage future offenders from committing similar crimes. a) The first requirement of deterrence is Severity; according to Lab (2014:175), it is when you have to ensure the punishment will be harsh enough in order to deter the would be offender from committing the offence. If an would be armed robber knows that should he be caught and found guilty in a court of law, he will be sentenced to a minimum of twenty years in prison. b) Certainty; According to Lab (2014: 175) it deal with the chances of being caught, in other words if the would be offender knows that the police is understaffed and that the detectives are inexperienced and have just to much work, chances of them focusing on every docket are very slim, he might not be deterred from committing the crime. If the local police are perceived to be corrupt and criminals knew that from experience they can buy their way out, they might nit be deterred. c) Celerity: According to Lab(2014: 276) it deals with the swiftness of punishment or pain that will be inflicted after committing a crime. Swift punishment after there experiencing of the pleasure of committing the crime is needed in order to prevent a possible crime. Should a criminal be caught soon after an armed robbery that as widely published a be arraigned in court soon after that serves as a deterrent. Should you be able to get swift trial and conviction while the act that he committed is still fresh in the minds of himself, and the public, it serves well as a deterrent, both for the criminal and other would-be criminals alike. An example of this type of prevention is the incident that was reported on News24 on the 22nd of March 2015. ( Date Accessed 24 March 2015) Two armed robbers attacked a guy that walked down the street in Johannesburg CBD. They wanted to carry his bags and he refused. They threatened him with a knife and robbed him of R40. Shortly after the incident the victim saw a police officer and alerted him. The two thugs were arrested and the money and knife found on them. They appeared in court on the 23rd oh March. Swift action and decisive, witnessed by many bystanders. 1.5.a) Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED):. Lab (2014: 54) is of the opinion that the hardenings of architectural design, that include the whole layout of cities and neighborhoods as well as houses by means of physical security measures prevent crime. In other words if you design a neighborhood for instance with just one or two entrance/exit roads; you can effectively prevent crime by controlling the traffic. If those access routes are protected by CCTV cameras that monitor the traffic, even better. b) Neighborhood Crime Prevention: Lab (2014: 85) mentions that Neighborhood and Block Watches increases community awareness. The community discusses common problems and gets to know each other they look out for each other and solve problems together. The community also contributes and pool recourses, for instance by patrolling the neighborhood with their own vehicles at own expense. Garscom is a very successful community-policing group that operates in the Garsfontein area. It is run and organized by the community and has regular interaction with the Garsfontein Police Station. Another function of the forum is that they have an open door to the Station Commander where they report good and bad performances by the members of the station. c) Displacement and Diffusion: According to Lab (2014: 113) if a community makes it more dangerous for a armed robber to rob a shop, due to the fact that more and more shop owners armed themselves, the robbers would move to a safer neighborhood to target. In other words if a home owner installs burglar proofing to the windows of his house and install an burger alarm and build a two meter wall around his house, the would be burgled would rather target a softer target and if a whole neighborhood does the same the burglar would target a different neighborhood that is a softer target. d) Using the mass media to prevent crime: According to Lab (2014: 136) the implementation of the mass media to fight/prevent crime can be very effective. TV Shows like â€Å"Crimestop† and â€Å"When Duty Calls† where crime is reported and where photos of known criminals or suspects are shown and the public’s cooperation is requested are very useful in preventing crime. e) Developmental Crime Prevention: According to Lab (2014:158) this type of primary crime prevention, targets the potential of people to become criminals. In other words it targets the behavior, beliefs and attitudes that are learned by youths. These programmes target the youth and attempt to embed the right environments and learning at an early stage. Essentially what the youngsters learn and are exposed to dictate their future behavior. Captain Crime Stop has been used to great effect in the past to visit pre and primary schools with presentations and shows to influence kid’s behavior. a) Prediction for Secondary Prevention: According to Lab (2014: 194) The prediction of future offending where proper variables are used to perform analysis in order to prevent crime can be very effective. The two types are Clinical and Actuarial prediction. Clinical prediction involves more personal interviews and evaluations, where Actuarial prediction is done based on known parameters in available data. Data can be collected per police ward as per the CAS System and the management can analyze the data on for instance house robberies and then design a plan specifically to curb these types of crimes in the area. b) Situational Crime Prevention: According to Lab (2014:215 – 235) this type of crime prevention focuses to a great extent on planning before implementation. It leads to a more focused approach where places, individuals, and different things at risk are identified that are at risk to victimization and repeated victimization is prevented. For example, smash and grab incidents occur regularly at the robot on the fly-over in Garsfontein road. Female drivers early in the morning or just before sunset are targeted. A task team is formed and tasked to draft a plan on how to prevent the victimization of female drivers that drive alone in their cars. c) Partnerships for crime prevention: According to Lab(2014: 237 – 254) it includes Community policing. A very typical example is the old model of the British Police, the bobby on the beat. A specific police officer is assigned to a street, like for instance Oxford Street. He patrols this street every shift and gets to know all the shop owners, newspaper sales vendors and other people that frequent the street. He knows the ins and outs of the area and the people that frequent there providing a â€Å"personal† service to them. In Garsfontein specific police officers per shift are assigned to specific sectors to work in. d) Drugs, Crime and Crime Prevention: According to Lab (2014: 255 – 296) drugs and the use and sale of drugs have a definite effect on crime in an area. Drug addicts to support their habits for instance commit theft, prostitution and other petty crimes. Focus on the drug dealers and take them out of the equation and you bring down the levels of crime. e) Removing the potential reward(s) of the crime: According to website of The New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault under the heading: Factsheets: Crime Prevention ( : Date of access: 24 March 2015) it mentions the removal of the potential reward(s) of the crime as a form of secondary crime prevention. It mentions that shop owners place tags on clothes that marks/stains the clothing with ink is it is removed after been stolen, thus rendering the reward/clothing useless. Another example closer to home is the method used by cash in transit companies to arm the cash containers with ink cartridges that stains the money if the container is opened after been stolen. 1.7.a) Specific Deterrence: Imprisonment : According to Lab(2104: 301 – 304), imprisonment serves as a form of tertiary deterrence. He argues that it is not the most effective form, but one of the most accepted forms used by society/the judicial system to prevent recidivism. b) Incapacitation: Tertiary Crime Prevention: According to Lab (2014: 297 – 335) involves tertiary crime prevention the actions taken to prevent the offender to repeat such an offence. Most of tertiary crime prevention falls with in the formal judicial system that means suitable punishment or pain inflicted by the court of law on an offender. It also serves, as deterrence for would be offenders to prevent them from committing crimes. For instance if a car-thieve receives a ten to fifteen-year sentence, it should prevent him from committing another similar offence once he served his sentence. According to the web page of US Definitions, incapacitation is defined as :† the effect of a sentence in terms of positively preventing the sentenced person from committing future offenses. This concept is different from the theory of specific deterrence in which an offender is punished to make him/her understand the specific consequences of his/her offense. Incapacitation aims to prevent future crimes by taking away the offender’s ability to commit offenses† ( Accessed 24 March 2015). The three strikes rule is a good example of this type of tertiary prevention. This law means that an offender with two prior convictions is sentence to life imprisonment for the third offence. (Stanford Law School, Stanford Three Strikes Project, Accessed 24 March 2014) c) Electronic Monitoring: According to Lab (2014: 310 – 316) the use of electronic monitoring provides a new avenue of incarceration. The convict is attached to an electronic monitor that monitors his movement and keep the convict for instance under house arrest and monitors enables the authorities to ensure that he remains in his house. d) Rehabilitation: According to Lab (2014 : 317 – 335) rehabilitation of criminals was the major method of tertiary crime prevention. He also argues that there is no uniform opinion that rehabilitation is very effective in recidivism. Lab mentions various rehabilitation programs like Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions, Intensive supervision and Restorative Justice as some that are implemented. Question 2 2.1.On the website BLAIR Analytics (, Accessed 24 March 2015), they outline the SARA Model as the steps that are taken in a problem orientating policing approach. These steps are: Scanning: The following information is gathered during this step: You need to identify recurring problems of that is of concern to both the public and the police. You need to identify the consequences of the problem for the community and the police as identified in the first step. The identified problems need to be prioritized. The next step is to develop goals that are not very specific, but are broadly defined. Before you can continue you need to reassure that the problems exist. Next you need to find out how often the problems occur and what the duration of these problems were. The next step is to choose the most prevalent problems for closer scrutiny. Analysis: Following the steps taken in the scanning phase you need to identify and form an understanding of situations and conditions that pre-empt or precede and also are present with the identified problem. The data then need to be collected pertaining to the problem need to be identified. Identify similar types of problems and research them. Make a list of how the problem is now being dealt with and also look at how the current response reflects the strong points and the weak points of the approach. The scope of the problem needs to be narrowed down and you need to look at specifics. Make a list of all he available recourses that may help you to obtain a better or deeper understanding of the problem. The last step is to design a workable hypothesis on why there is a problem. Response: The â€Å"R† in SARA stands for response. You completed the â€Å"S† scanning process of the problem and also completed the â€Å"A† analysis of the problem. Now you need to look at the response. Take the following steps: Have a brainstorming session to look for new type of interventions/strategies Look out for other communities that experience similar challenges and have a look at their solutions. Identify what of those solutions or strategies you want to use. Draft a response plan and gather all role players. Stating the specific objectives for the response plan. The last step in this section is to implement the planned interventions. Assessment: Following the implementation of the plan(s) you have to do a proper assessment: You need to find out is the designed plan was initialized and evaluate it. You need to gather qualitative and quantitative data of both before you responded with the plan and after you responded and compare it. Look at your goals that were set for the plan and find out if the specific objectives were reached. The process doesn’t stop here; you need to keep on looking for new strategies that may enhance the initial plan. Remember it is an ongoing process and you need to continuously assess and evaluate the process to make sure that is effective. (Website: Center for Problem- Orientated Policing, University at Albany, State University of New York. Accessed 24 March 2014) 2.2.a) Strengths: Identify and list all the strong points and attributes of your Unit or Police station and note it down. b) Weaknesses: Identify and list all the weaknesses or perceived weaknesses of your Unit or Police station in dealing with the problem. c) Opportunities: Identify and list all the opportunities you have available to deal with the identified problem. d) Threats: Identify and list the threats experienced or anticipated. 2.3.a) planning b) organizing c) leading d) controlling List of References Steven P. LAB, Crime Prevention, 2014, 8th Edition, Anderson Publishing, and imprint of Elsevier 225 Wyman Street Waltham, MA 02451, USA Southern Business School, Crime Prevention Management 1 Study Guide (CPM 100), 2008 Business School Revised 2014 (New Edition), Plot 10, R28 Service Road, Diswilmar, Krugersdorp. The Merriam-Webster On-line dictionary, ( date of access 19 March 2015) (Schmalleger, 2003, p. 406), (, Accessed: 19 March 2015). News24 on the 22nd of March 2015. Two held for Joburg armed robbery Date Accessed 24 March 2015 Website: The New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault under the heading: Factsheets: Crime Prevention : Date of access: 24 March 2015 Web page of US Definitions,, Accessed 24 March 2015 Website BLAIR Analytics, Accessed 24 March 2015 Website: Center for Problem- Orientated Policing, University at Albany, State University of New York. Accessed 24 March 2014 1

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Recollecting Childhood Memories

I went through my childhood with more happy memories than sad ones. Unfortunately, the dramatic and sad experiences stand out more in my memory bank. However among my childhood  memories  I remember a certain experience. back in my native place when I was a child of about six years age. My dad had promised me that if I finish my homework early for the day, he would take me to the exhibition. Back at that time exhibitions were rare in our city, and it only happened once or twice in a year.So, I was really excited and pumped up to go. After I did all of my work, I waited patiently for my dad to come home from work. Minutes felt like hours and finally he arrived from work. By seeing the excitement in my face, he knew that I have done everything that he wanted me to do. My dad kept his word and took me to the exhibition. Because our city was pretty small, exhibition was a huge event for the people of our city.People from near and outside of the city come here to enjoy and have a grea t time. It was my first time to the naval exhibition or rather to any exhibition and I was really happy that my parents were with me. At that time, there was a large crowd at the place. Even though the exhibition happens only once or twice, I never expected such a large gathering. I being a six year old had never seen such a large gathering at one place. In fact before getting into the exhibition my dad said to me, I love you.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Capturing the Audience

â€Å"Rightly to be great is not to stir without great argument, When honour’s at the stake. How stand I then† (4,4,52-55). This is part of one of Hamlets great soliloquys from act 4. This soliloquy hits on several points like greatness, honour and how to live your life. These are to things are subjects that have interested the human mind for thousands of years. This soliloquy speaks to these desires in different ways and is able to relate to our inner desires. In this essay, it will be explained how this soliloquy and the themes that are featured in it effect the audience. The first way it speaks to the audience, particularly the Elizabethan audience of the time by, is by Shakespeare creating a hero that would do anything to protect their honour. Honour has always been part of a man. Looking at history it has pooped up over and over again. Honour is being true to a set of personal ideals, or being a man of integrity. ` The imminent death of twenty thousand men/ That for a fantasy and trick of fame/ Go to their graves like beds, fight for a plot/ Whereon the numbers cannot try the cause,/Which is not tomb enough and continent/to hide the slain? (4,4,59-64) In the soliloquy, Hamlet gives the most fundamental idea of honour protect it no matter what. No matter what the fight is over, you have to stand up for yourself or you are not a â€Å"manâ€Å". Hamlet is looking at Norway’s army with great respect. They are gaining nothing by c onquering Poland, yet they are still going after it to protect their honour. They aren’t backing down from the fight. Shakespeare knew that honour has always been a big part of human life and something greatly respected, especially to the nobles of his time (Shakespeare’s main audience), and made sure to really hit on that really important moral that the audience was able to relate too. Greatness is something that we look for since the beginning. As young children, we look at our parents as the definition of great. As we get older, we start to see all of our parent’s faults but the idea of greatness s already set in our minds and is something that we will always want to achieve. In The soliloquy greatness is closely associated with honour. A good example of how Hamlet sees greatness is the quote was used at the beginning on the essay: â€Å"Rightly to be great is not to stir without great argument, When honour’s at the stake. How stand I then† (4,4,52-55). Hamlet sees greatness has someone who will always defends their honou r. He is very jealous of young Fortinbras for being a great man who is always defending. This speaks to the audience because again, not only is honour again speaking to the audience but also with our desire to be great. The audience can relate to Hamlet. Most people look at someone with envy wishing they could be great like them. Shakespeare used these feelings of envy and wish for greatness to be able to relate to the play. The last point that Shakespeare hits on is living in the moment. Hamlet biggest flaw in the play is his tendency to ever think everything (e. g. When Claudius is praying and Hamlet comes up with several reasons not to kill him. . The biggest thing that Hamlet realizes in his soliloquy is that flaw. â€Å"Of thinking too precisely on th' event— /A thought which, quartered, hath but one part wisdom And ever three parts coward—I do not know/ Why yet I live to say â€Å"This thing’s to do,† Sith I have cause and will and strength and means/ To do ’† (4,4,40-45) Hamlet realizes what he has done throughout the play and is now regretting the decision he has made. He wishes that he had been brave enough to kill Claudius right away rather than hide behind his thoughts. Audience can relate to this now more than ever. Just take a look at today’s society, many things are about planning and the future but a lot of other things are the exact opposite. Many people are starting to live with the idea that you need to start doing things on a wimp rather than thinking over things and planning them out. People want to live their life to the fullest (e. g YOLO). The people of Shakespeare’s time were renaissance men. They most likely had these thoughts of making their life worthwhile. It is in human nature to want to feel as though our lives have meaning. Although Hamlet is not talking about that exact subject, many of the principles are the same. This speaks to the inner desires of the human mind, capturing the audience’s attention. In conclusion, Hamlets soliloquy captures the targets audience’s attention by using elements that have naturally always captures the human mind attention like greatness, a meaningful life and honour. Shakespeare manages to use all of them to capture the audience’s attention and help them relate to the play.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Joseph Cinque essays

Joseph Cinque essays No one ever thinks about what it actually takes to become free. There is one man that would do anything to become free and he was Joseph Cinque. Cinque would risk his life to help others and himself become free. He was a heroic, African slave leader that led a rebellion to become freed from slavery. Joseph Cinque was born in 1811 by a Mende headman in the village of Mani, which is in modern Sierra Leone. He grew up as a rice farmer and trader. Cinque was enslaved for debt and sold to Pedro Blanco, who was a Spanish slaver. He was sold on Lomboko Island at the mouth of the Gallinas River on April of 1839. Joseph was then carried to Havana, where he was resold with fifty-one others. While Cinque was in his 20s, four black strangers captured him as he walked along a path. His wife and three children were unaware of what happened to him and thought animals may have eaten him. Joseph later thought that the four black strangers may have been from a rival tribe or perhaps debt collectors. After being forced to walk for days to reach the coast, he boarded the Portuguese slave ship Tecora along with hundreds of other prisoners. Unsanitary conditions and lack of food caused many to die during the two-month voyage to Cuba. Because it was illegal to import slaves into Cuba, the captives were smuggled in during the night. Slavery itself was still legal there, so efforts were made to pass off the new arrivals as Cuban-born slaves. This enslavement was illegal and violated numerous treaties. The Spaniards who bought Cinque and the other fifty-one Africans planned to sell them and the other captives to plantation owners. They were boarded upon the Amistad. Cinque convinced his fellow prisoners that they had nothing to lose by trying to get free. Cinque freed himself from his shackles by using a nail he had hiding and led a rebellion with the other Africans. The captives killed all of the crew except for the navigator of the ship with th...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What is Applied Management Science

What is Applied Management Science Decision-making encompasses all aspects of human life. However, the problem is how to ascertain whether one has the required skills and knowledge to make optimal decisions. This led to the emergence of Applied Management Science as an important field in various sectors of learning. Applied refers to making practical application of something that is not theoretical.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What is Applied Management Science? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Management on the other hand refers to the control of activities within the set guidelines and policies for the achievement of specific objectives. Science is the identification, observation, investigation, and explanation of theoretical phenomena. Applied Management Science therefore refers to the science of solving business problems. It assists business managers in making optimal, informed, and satisfactory decisions. Business managers face complex and dy namic challenges that not only demand forethought, but also call for optimal and informed decisions making to provide solutions to business challenges on daily basis. This calls for developing complex scientific models capable of analyzing the situations and providing indicators that assist managers in decision-making. Applied Management Science therefore ensures that decisions made by business managers are products of strategic thinking processes and are aimed at improving operations. In other words, it offers practical information in decision making that is an indicator to success in business. The process of mainstream decision-making has not received mainstream attention because of the dynamic and evolving nature of business challenges. The development of a universally accepted decision making model becomes a big challenge because business decisions change and remain unique within the each business set-up and culture. Despite the fact that business, education, and psychology comm unities embrace decision aides, the public may not adopt the application of these aides. This is because most decisions made by the public are personal and may not demand complex processes to determine their levels of accuracy. Indecisiveness has been a major problem to psychologists because it does not translate to anything good in life. The inability to make a decision and pursue a course presents unwanted challenges within career and family. Human beings must have a determination in life and to move ahead with ambitions, there must be the component of decision-making on what and where one is moving. Indecision in career, family, and general life translates to failure, confusion, unfulfilled ambitions, and frustrations.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To entrench the character of courage and instill ambition on an individual, it is imperative that decision-making skills be taught in high schools. This is because of its implications on an individual and in society. Skills in decision-making and right judgment should be enhanced on an individual from early age. From the discussions, it is seen that management science is a form of applied decision-making in organizations, and business problem solving. This is because it enhances the capacity of business managers to make rational and satisfactory decisions that not only solve problems in business, but also ensure improvement in operations. Whereas some schools of thought posit that management science make decisions, the reality is that management science equips managers with the skills in making satisfactory decisions. These involve a combination of qualitative techniques, hypothesis formulation, and analysis to find solutions to complex management problems. Quantitative analysis for management problems has become more widely used in the past years because it employs scientific and systematic t echniques and procedures in seeking solutions to management problems.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Characteristics of Business Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Characteristics of Business Leadership - Essay Example In this context, the present study focuses on a highly popular business leader, Steven Jobs, the founder of Apple Computer Company and shall learn about his role and practices that he used in his leadership attributes in his company. Steven Jobs: The Initiation of His Leadership Skills in Business: Steven Paul Jobs, as now remembered as Steve Jobs, was a highly popular tycoon in the world of business proving to be a highly successful entrepreneur in the electronics and information technology industry. He has been part of several patents related to the invention and development of computer related products. Initially discussing about his business life, it was in 1977 that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak together presented their first microcomputer in the White House. It was named as Apple II and the entire marketing plan and decisions were undertaken by Jobs. By 1993, the sale of the product made the two inventors millionaires. Thereafter, Jobs continued with his newer inventions, as wel l as managing his Apple Company with due sincerity and leadership. When he realized that the company needed experienced administration, he involved John Sculley in the team of management (Biography of Steve Jobs and Timeline of Apple, 2011). In this context it can be understood that the business leader survived several challenges while he could reach to the level of success. Firstly, he was new in the market that represented the fear of not being recognized by consumers. Secondly, his product was associated with the IT thus there could only be certain sections of people who would be interested. Thirdly, the first microcomputer that they invented was meant for commercial purposes and for the mass. Thus lack of acceptance could pose severe threats to their career. However, although the above mentioned challenges existed, Jobs became successful and his Apple Company gradually proved to be a huge success. This in other words reflects on the efficient leadership and management style that Jobs presented in his work. Business Leadership of Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs was known for his autocratic style of leadership values. He used to remain personally involved in all the steps and measures undertaken for the objectives of his company. For his working team, he used to involve people who matched with his mindset and he was highly demanding. He did not love delegating authority to people and would rather get involved in person in every aspect of operation. Jobs was extremely serious with his work and loved his Company too much to even lessen his involvement while he was ill (Branson, 2011). Steve’s inventions were meant for the global markets and thus he had to encounter cultural differences as well. However, the success of the company represents that Steve had been capable of adjusting to the differences and marketing his products successful across the world. The primary reason behind his adjustment and success was his love and involvement for the technology that he worked on. Steve believed in thinking differently and had faith in the values and principles of the company that he never left behind. Compassion for his company allowed the business leader to stick to his views and policies and continue with delivering his products successfully in the global market as well as adjusting with different cultures across the world. He delivered his products not depending on the choices

Friday, November 1, 2019

The US Oil Refining Industry Annotated Bibliography

The US Oil Refining Industry - Annotated Bibliography Example These problems can equally be attributed to utility deregulation. All these problems in the energy sector in the US have been argued to have stemmed from both the environmentalists and the federal government of the US. It is argued that they discouraged oil exploration by investors in the 1990s. The rising oil prices have been blamed on Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries’ planners and the domestic refineries failure to do proper calculations . It is from this background information that the ensuing discussion will give an overview of how more refineries in the United States would affect the economy. The debate over the impacts of a growing number of refineries in the U.S on its economy is a very intricate one. It can be appropriately examined by putting into consideration the arguments that persons pursue. These would be the explanations that they offer in backing their claims as well as the evidence that they provide in support of those claims. Some contend that a growth in the number of refineries in the U.S would responsible for the inflation of the economy. This is because they reduce the rates of competition while at the same time contributing to the inflation of prices. There is equally an argument that a growth of refineries in a country increases the number of chemical substances released into the atmosphere. These chemical substances are potential harmful and they will lower the economic growth of a country. It is contended that a growth in the number of refineries will create job opportunities for the citizens of a country. The refineries will equally be a significant source of revenue to the government. The creations of job opportunities for the citizens as well as revenue for the government all have one thing in common. They improve the economic growth of a country. The growing concentration in the proprietorship of the refinery industry is decreasing competition and thus underwriting price inflation.